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Access Consciousness Bars®

Relax and release thoughts, attitudes and feelings that hinder progress


Heal your body, release your emotions, still your mind


Stimulate key points on your body to assist the flow of energy

Alexander Technique

The power of posture - retraining habitual patterns through conscious control

Animal Assisted Therapy

Connect, rebuild and flourish through interacting with animals

Anusara® Yoga

Take your yoga ‘off the mat’ with one of the newest and more spiritual schools


Relax, heal and ‘be in the moment’ with aromatic plant extracts and essential oils

Art Therapy

Reconnect to your identity through creative self-expression

Ashtanga Yoga

Challenge yourself with this strenuous and progressive style


Stay vibrant and healthy through understanding the mind-body connection


Let mineral-rich waters relax your senses and rejuvenate your body

Biochemic Therapy

Rebalance your inner wellbeing through mineral salt supplements


Gain an awareness of your body and improve your wellbeing


Increase your wellbeing by uncovering and aligning your body’s story

Bowen Therapy

Releasing trauma through muscle and connective tissue therapy

Brain Gym®

Boost brain function for enhanced learning and life skills


Better health can be as easy as breathing


Breath training techniques for health and vitality

Chair Yoga

A gentle, relaxing way to reap all the benefits of yoga with the support of a chair

Chinese Massage

Achieve balance through external massage and manipulation


Manual alignment to support your structural and overall health


Turn your desire for growth into actionable steps, and be supported to reach your potential

Colon Hydrotherapy

A therapy to remove toxins from the body and restore healthy gut function

Colour Therapy

Restore yourself with the healing properties of colour and light

Connecting to Country (Dadirri)

Experience wholeness by listening deeply to your spirit and the nature that surrounds you

Core Energetics

Release energetic blockages to help you on your healing journey

Corporate Yoga

Integrate yoga into your working life as a path towards reducing stress


Be heard, supported, and move forward with a sense of purpose

Craniosacral Therapy

Enable innate intelligence to flow for optimal health


Chill in a sub-zero chamber for a cool experience

Crystal Therapy

Access the ancient wisdom of the crystal kingdom


Use an ancient technique to stimulate blood flow and improve wellness

Dance Movement Therapy

Find therapeutic healing and expression through movement

Deep Tissue Massage

Release patterns of chronic tension with slow strokes and deep pressure


Enhance your wellbeing through carefully prescribed nutrition


Receive continuous care and companionship throughout your birthing experience

Dru Yoga

Find stillness through movement, breath and meditation


Find balance on a cellular level by connecting with the earth

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Tap your way to freedom

End of Life Doulas

An informed companion to bring calm and provide support for the dying and their carers

Energy Healing

Harness the power of natural bioenergy to support your healing


Explore nature’s elixirs for emotional wellbeing

Exercise Physiology

Tailored exercise interventions for optimal health and wellness

Expressive Arts Therapy

Creative ways to wellbeing

Family Constellation

A complementary counselling approach for enriching relationships

Feng Shui

Create spaces and flow to attract abundance, love and vitality

Forest Therapy

Invite healing to your body and soul through building a relationship with nature

Forrest Yoga

Connect with your Spirit through breath, strong physical postures, integrity and ceremony

Hatha Yoga

Achieve balance through dedicated poses, breathing and meditation

Health and Wellness Coaching

Accept real support to help you achieve true wellness


Soak in the warmth of the sun to lift your soul and health

Herbal Medicine

Access the healing properties of nature


Self-healing essences created with the principle of “like cures like”

Horticultural Therapy

Nurture your soul as you grow plants and tend to other living organisms

Hot Stone Massage

Relaxing treatment with the added warmth of heated stones


Discover the knowledge and confidence to birth naturally and calmly


Harness the power of your subconscious to efficiently revise habitual behaviours


An iris-based diagnostic tool for prevention against illness and disease

Iyengar Yoga

Integrate your mind, body and soul by focusing on precision

Japanese yoga

Release energy blockages and flow with nature

Kids Yoga

A fun form of yoga for healthy, happy kids


Tap into your own innate healing

Kundalini Yoga

Harness the power of awareness to liberate potent inner energy

Laughter Yoga

Laugh your way to a greater sense of overall wellbeing

Life Coaching

Define your purpose, take action and achieve your goals

Lomi Lomi

Soothing holistic massage hailing from Hawaii

Lymphatic Drainage

Gently reduce swelling and help eliminate toxins

Magnetic Field Therapy

Alleviate pain naturally through magnet placement


Practice mastering the power of your attention to cultivate inner calm


Receive continuity of care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum


Immerse yourself in the present, with non-judgemental experience

Myofascial Release Therapy

Alleviate pain, restore movement and improve circulation


Treat, manage and prevent musculoskeletal pain and injury

Nature-Based Therapy

Falling into sync with nature’s rhythms and ways is profoundly healing


Support the body naturally through herbs, essences, lifestyle and dietary advice

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Learn the language of your mind


Gain an awareness of your body around neurological issues


Let food be your medicine to achieve optimal health

Occupational Therapy

Tailored, practical support to improve quality of life and enable meaningful participation in the community


Body alignment through movement, stretching and soft-tissue massage

Personal Training

Receive coaching, motivation and support for your physical wellbeing goals


Aid physical movement through massage, heat treatment and exercise programs


Enhance your physical strength, posture and flexibility


Maintain your health from the ground up by supporting your feet

Polarity Therapy

A natural approach to balance energy through nutrition, massage, exercise and counselling

Pregnancy Yoga

Assisting you through pregnancy, birth and beyond


Harness the power of your mind to help you live a peaceful, contented life


An effective therapy to manage a range of mental health concerns


Gentle movements that balance the mind, body and soul

Quantum Consciousness

Expand your awareness for healing epiphanies

Raja Yoga

Discover a meditative style of yoga as a path towards spiritual understanding

Rapid Transformational Therapy®

Retrain your brain for success


Enhance overall wellness through pressure points on your feet and hands


Natural hands-on healing to restore physical and emotional wellbeing

Remedial Massage

Experience release from pain, postural imbalances and mental stress with targeted touch therapy

Resource Therapy

A powerful psychotherapeutic technique to help you feel whole and happy


Realign the body through manual manipulation of the tissue

Rongoā Māori

Seek holistic wellbeing by treating physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances


A vibrational therapy to restore the harmony in your body and mind

Sandplay Therapy

Outer play for inner peace

Satyananda Yoga

Calm your mind and open yourself up to the present

SCENAR Therapy

Prompt your body to respond, alleviate pain and restore function


Traditional hands-on Japanese healing to rebalance your energy flow

Social Work

Providing compassionate and practical support to improve your circumstances

Somatic Experiencing

A body-based technique to release trauma and restore connection

Sound Therapy

Harness the power of sound to restore your mind, body and soul

Sports Massage Therapy

A treatment for athletes to enhance recovery and improve performance

Swedish Massage

A full-body massage treatment for relaxation and tension relief

Tai Chi

Maintain and improve your muscle strength, flexibility and balance

Tension and Trauma Release Exercises®

Innovative exercises to release trauma, stress and tension from the body

The Feldenkrais Method®

Mindful movement for painless poise

Therapeutic Touch®

Release energy blockages and rejuvenate your body’s natural healing abilities

Therapeutic Voicework

A therapeutic and creative therapy using the voice for self-expression, healing, self-soothing and embodiment


Address limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind to change your reality

Tibetan Medicine

Explore holistic healthcare from the Himalayas

Time Line Therapy®

Eliminate negative emotions and reinforce future goals by reframing past pain

Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Healing

Allow the healing knowledge of the world’s oldest civilisation to enhance your well being

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Ancient wisdom intended to support your body’s ability to heal

Traditional Thai Massage

Restore energy and balance with an active massage technique based on traditional healing systems

Traditional Tibetan Massage

Ancient massage technique to bring you back into balance

Vinyasa Yoga

Creative form of yoga with synchronised breathing and flowing movements

Visceral Manipulation

Gentle manipulation techniques to restore harmony within the body

Wayapa Wuurrk

Move your body and experience connection to Earth’s energy to create mind, body and spirit wellbeing

Wim Hof Method

A mind-body practice to build resilience and improve performance

Yoga Therapy

Individually tailored yoga practice and lifestyle changes to find true wellbeing

Zenthai Shiatsu Massage

Bodywork with a focused intention - integrating Zen shiatsu, Thai massage and osteopathy
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