10 Creative Ways To Move Your Body & Lose Weight Without Even Knowing It

Sze Wing Vetault | 22 Sep 2019
10 Creative Ways To Move Your Body & Lose Weight Without Even Knowing It

Get Moving!

If hitting the gym isn’t your cup-of-tea, how about considering the following 10 creative ways to get some movement into your life? 

1. Walking work meetings

How many meetings do we literally sit through each week? Before you know it, it’s nearly 5pm and you’ve hardly had time for lunch, let alone getting in any kind of exercises. Try scheduling certain meetings as “walking meetings”, if not possible, then second best, “stand up meeting”. Have you ever noticed you get your best ideas during walks or other random activities? 

Scheduling a few stand up or walking meetings might just boost your creativity and overall productivity!

2. Start a garden

It doesn’t take an expert to know that healthy ways of eating are based around plant-based whole foods. Organic and all-natural are always best, and what better way to ensure this higher quality produce than by growing your own?

Gardens can come in all shapes and sizes. You can plot out a big area in your backyard or just turn your miniature patio into a festive space with a collection of pots for vegetables and herbs. These plants require love and attention, which doesn’t come without a (physical) cost – a little bit of extra movement. It’s a healthy and rewarding hobby! 

3. Plan a play date with your pet

If you have a furry friend, plan a play date with your friends and take your pet to the park or beach! Not only will it be a good opportunity to catch up with your friends, you will all reap the benefits of added exercise, improved mood and sleep patterns too! 

4. Romantic date night under the stars

For your next date night, park your car say 10 minutes away from the restaurant, take a walk with your loved one before and after dinner. If you pick a night with a clear sky, you can even marvel at the beautiful stars above you as well. 

5. Workout with interactive games

Technology now allows for your whole family to get up and move using your electronic devices and game consoles. With interactive games, you can bowl, play tennis, dance and even do yoga. (Try Wii Tennis, Wii Fit, Just Dance on Xbox Kinect). 

Almost every gaming console has the technology for interactive fun. So get off the couch and get on your feet. Family time has never been fitter. If you only like to play a normal game, then make a rule that you can only play while standing up!

6. Workout in front of your favourite TV shows

If you don’t like to play interactive video games, but you love your TV shows, then how about trying to do some light exercises in front of the TV? For example, you can start with some Hula-hooping, a few rounds of hand-weight lifting, sit-ups and end with some stretching. All these movements add up! 

7. Tidy up daily

Don’t wait until the weekend to clean your home; spend some time every day tidying up. Dusting, doing laundry, vacuuming, and washing windows can all use up about as many calories as taking a spin on a bicycle. An extra hour of cleanup per week burns enough calories to trim four or five pounds in a year. Just saying … 

8. Girls night out – Let’s go dancing! 

Haven’t seen your girls friends for a while? Plan a girls night out to go dancing! Or alternatively, take up a social dance class like Salsa or Bachata.  Not only can you get moving, enjoy the music and catch up with friends, but you may also make some new friends.

9. So you think you can dance? (Yes, you can!) 

Don’t feel like going out or worry that you are un-coordinated in the public eye? Put a do-not-disturb sign on your room door, turn off your mobile, put on your favourite dance music videos or simply hit the playlist, and dance your heart out! Beyonce, Madonna or Britney, your pick! It’s time to unleash your inner diva! 


Live Action Role Playing. Ok, this may seem silly to those on the outside, but to those who are playing, it’s an amazing adventure that reminds us how awesome our imaginations are. Fancy a day in a medieval setting, with knights and witches, the whole works? It can be really fun swinging heavy weaponry and running for your life. Or maybe not. It may not be your first choice but it is definitely a creative way to get your body moving!

Whatever you choose, know that every extra movement you can incorporate into your daily routine sets you further on the path to a happy, healthy lifestyle. 

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About the author

Sze Wing Vault is a coach, author and creative entrepreneur specialising in personal development and spirituality. She believes coaching isn’t about therapy, but clarity. As a graduate from The London School of Economics and Political Science, Sze Wing offers both a practical and holistic approach to personal and business transformation. 

Sze Wing presents at events both in Australia and internationally, hosts group workshops, is an indie author and offers coaching on an individual basis. Connect via her profile, if you want to know more or book an appointment.

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