What does love mean to you?
In the English language, love is defined as ‘an intense feeling of deep affection’. However, contemporary usage of the word has seen it evolve to also mean a great interest and pleasure in something, such as sport or ice cream.
One popular criticism of the contemporary usage of love is that it is overused, and because of this, its meaning is diluted. The wise people of ancient Greece sidestepped this issue by having eight words to describe love – the most well-known ones being eros, philia and philautia, which describe the love between lovers, friends, and for oneself respectively. This is also the case in Spanish, Japanese and Tamil, and is a genius way of reflecting the multi-faceted of love in all its heart-swelling, tear-inducing majesty.

At SoulAdvisor, love to us looks like:
All-encompassing. Love is complex, nuanced and powerful, and we’re here for the outworking of love in all its uplifting forms.
We also firmly believe in prioritising love. Love can be complicated and can cause us to feel pain, but it also motivates, expands our worldview, brings meaning to our lives and often changes us for the better. If these reasons aren’t enough, science backs us up – finding that those who invested in building and maintaining relationships were often happier than those who prioritised external achievements like money or power.
What to expect...
Let us help you pursue love in all areas of your life. In this section on love, you can expect to see honest stories, advice and thought-leadership on topics such as:
Parenting: A wise woman once said that having a child is “to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body”. Loving a child opens our hearts up to a range of emotions which can be scary, but many parents would not exchange this for the joy that a child brings. Let’s talk about how yoga can help you to bring out the best in your child, and how you can navigate tough times with your kids.
Pets: Pets add so much to our lives – from helping us to be fitter, live longer, and even feel happier. But perhaps the biggest benefit of all is the unconditional love we receive from a pet. We couldn’t overlook this important member of the family – read on for how you can learn to listen to your pet, how they can mirror our behaviour, and how to work through the loss of an animal companion.

Relationships: You’ve heard the phrase ‘quality over quantity’, and research shows that this is applicable to relationships. A Harvard University study that followed people over 79 years established that the depth and quality of our relationships is a key factor in having positive life outcomes. Join us as we work to deepen our connections – with self and others.
Sexual Health: Sex can be a beautiful physical expression of love and an incomparable bonding experience. We want to celebrate this form of love, and have open discussions on sex as self-love, as a wellness tool, or how mindfulness can improve the sexual experience.
We hope these areas of love resonate with you. Everyone experiences love differently, and has unique insights to offer. So if you have stories to share or want to hear more about a specific angle on love, we’d love to hear from you.
If you’re searching for more on any of the above topics or for extra support on your wellness journey, have a look through our Therapy section where our articles give you the evidence-based benefits of relevant traditional and complementary therapies and allows you to search by symptom.
When you’re ready to take the next step, book a free discovery call with the therapist of your choice and let us help you on this journey to loving more.
The 8 Ancient Greek Words for Love | Greek City Times
The keys to happiness | National Library of Medicine
Study of adult life reveals how you can be happier | CNBC Make It