Rebirthing Breathwork with Jem Stone
In person
Rebirthing Breathwork is a safe and natural breathing method that connects us with our subconscious mind - the house of our deepest thoughts, beliefs and desires.
Rebirthing-Breathwork, aka Conscious Connected Breathing, is the ability to breathe Energy as well as air. It is the art of learning to breathe from the Breath Itself. Rebirthing is perhaps the most valuable self-healing ability that humans can learn. We can not have disease and relaxation in the same space at the same time. Relaxation is the ultimate healer. Every breath induces relaxation. Therefore, breathing is the basic healer. Conscious Connected Breathing is the most natural healing ability of all. This ability involves merging the inhale with the exhale in a gentle relaxed rhythm in an intuitive way that floods the body with Divine Energy.
Pricing options
2 hr
300 AUD
Coburg North, Victoria, Australia

Wayah Wellness & Rebirthing Breathwork Australia
Coburg North, Victoria, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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