Private Qigong Session with Elizabeth (Ann) Prowse
In person
Establish your personal Qigong practice and gain more lasting benefits by incorporating it into your daily life.
Qigong is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is a system of health practices intended to prevent disease as well as restore wellness in those who are ill. The word ‘Qi’ denotes ‘vital energy’ while ‘Gong’ is translated as ‘skill attained through effort’.
These private Qigong sessions are open to everyone, and no prior experience is required.
These are held in person on Annie’s property located near the Innot Hot Springs, Atherton Tablelands.
Pricing options
1 hr
100 AUD
Herberton, Queensland, Australia

Soul Wings Therapies
Herberton, Queensland, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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