Kate-Marie Mutsaers
Kate-Marie specialises in supporting people to listen, discover and learn the language of their own body. With more than 20 years of experience, she works across three key modalities that are woven together uniquely for each person. Kate-Marie uses her training as a registered counsellor for digesting emotions and trauma, Samvahan for supporting the body to find harmony and peace and Soul Motion® Conscious Movement to enliven and integrate with creativity and curiosity. As a registered counsellor... Kate-Marie specialises in supporting people to listen, discover and learn the language of their own body. With more than 20 years of experience, she works across three key modalities that are woven together uniquely for each person. Kate-Marie uses her training as a registered counsellor for digesting emotions and trauma, Samvahan for supporting the body to find harmony and peace and Soul Motion® Conscious Movement to enliven and integrate with creativity and curiosity. As a registered counsellor specialising in somatic therapy, Kate-Marie works with people working through trauma and struggling with their emotions, anxiety, PTSD and grief. She knows that our bodies are involved in all of our thoughts and emotions and how important it is to understand and regulate our central nervous system as a step towards healing. She uses therapeutic touch and gentle movement to support the body to find its own natural healing pathways through her training as a qualified Samvahan practitioner. This offers people a sense of groundedness, peace and relaxation. As a trained Soul Motion® Conscious Movement teacher, Kate-Marie uses movement and stillness to develop curiosity, fluidity and expression of their authentic self. When we move and listen we can discover the teachings within, bypassing the judgement mind and finding other places that we know ourselves from. She is passionate about providing a safe place for people to listen to the story that their body inhabits and feels privileged to be able to walk alongside and witness people from all backgrounds and situations. Kate-Marie brings the principles of mindfulness, authentic and peaceful dialogue, organicity, mind-body holism and connecting with play and curiosity into her offerings. Her soul purpose is to keep alive the rich learnings of how to be peaceful and grounded in her own life and to be in service to others as they also find their way. Many roads and paths have led her to working in these modalities. From a young age, she was a ballroom dancer, which formed an important part of her own reflections around boundaries, form and fun. She later discovered other rich forms of movement such as Five Rhythms and Soul Motion, which became the bases for her own foundation of healing. Some of her field experience and background includes international community development, working in disaster zones, conducting workshops in prisons, supporting people with different physical and mental abilities and supporting women and children in refugee camps. Throughout her life, she has learnt that if you don’t deal with the inside landscape you can’t deal with the outside. She is a student of Hakomi psychotherapy practice and a committed volunteer as a Alternatives to Violence Community Facilitator (AVP) along with being a certified teacher in Soul Motion®, a registered counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and trained in the Vedic treatment system of Samvahan vibrational massage. She is based in the coastal town of Aldinga in South Adelaide and provides her services and classes in person and online. Kate-Marie looks forward to supporting you to embrace your wholeness. Read more
Membership of professional associations
- Australia Counselling Association
Education and Training
- Registered and trained Soul Motion®, Conscious Movement teacher (2015) - Registered Counsellor with Australian Counselling Association (2018) - Qualified Samvahan Practitioner (2020)
Working hours (GMT+01:00) Paris
Kate-Marie’s studio location
Aldinga, South Australia, Australia
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