Connecting To Purpose For A Truly Abundant Life

Bryon Twilley | 23 Sep 2019
Connecting To Purpose For A Truly Abundant Life

When we arrived at Eumundi markets, I lost Renee in the crowds. I had done two loops of the huge markets before I thought I’d go back and see where Renee might be. She hadn’t left the first stall that she stopped at! It was a stall selling essential oils and by the time I found her, she was adamant that she too wanted to share the benefits of essential oils, just as the people who introduced us to them did.

At the time of our chance meeting, Renee had only used peppermint essential oil, but she had a profound experience in managing the pain and discomfort of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). She would simply place a drop of peppermint essential oil under her tongue rather than taking conventional medicines that had minimal results.

It was through Renee’s unfortunate situation that great fortune would emerge.

Finding Our Purpose

The reason why I’m telling you this story is to share our experience of finding purpose. The most rewarding thing we could do would be what makes us happy, what makes our spirit sing and what aligns with our values. We found that by simply helping others in the most basic and moral way.

On that day in Eumundi markets, although we were always open to new things that would help Renee with her Irritable Bowel, we weren’t incessantly searching for something that we didn’t know we were looking for. We simply provided the space and opportunity for this moment to arise by getting out in life, connecting with people and being open to opinions, techniques and tools that others have had results with.

Personal Growth

Since embarking on our adventure of building a network marketing-based natural health business, we have needed to learn and grow within ourselves immensely in order to help others. Part of our purpose and one of the major things that I have learnt in this process is that in order to grow, you need to consistently work on yourself. Be highly aware of your own emotions, thoughts, behaviours and the choices you make on a daily basis. Do they align with what you want in life?

Once I became more aware of my conditioning, choices, personality traits etc. I was able to provide experiences and tools to others to help them on their journey to health and happiness.

One of the profound techniques I learned when I was studying a Diploma in Yoga, taken from the eight limbs of yoga, is Svadyaya or “Self Study”. I had learned that the most important person to be aware of and the only one who I could control, is myself. The words that I think and say, the way I responded in given situations and the choices that I make are all dependent on me.

Only when I became more aware of myself was I able to reflect a world that I wanted to attract into my life.

Once I had realised that I can’t control other people's thoughts and actions, I decided to focus more on leading by example, providing guidance and gentle invitations to ways of doing things. This approach to life and business was far less painful! I wouldn’t stress out when someone didn’t listen or do something “right”. I would simply honour the learning process, provide guidance and unconditional love.

It was the discovery of unconditional love and acceptance of what is, that provided me with more positive energy to invest my time into things that made a positive difference.

It’s been almost three and a half years since Renee and I started to share the benefits of essential oils. And in this adventure, we’ve not only found our purpose, but we’ve also created amazing relationships with beautiful people along the way.

In business, we’ve learned that leading with love and showing empathy towards people and their needs is the only way to do business.

As Louise Hay says in her life-changing novel, I Can Do It, “I’ve never understood the concept of cutthroat business, where you try to cheat and put one over on the other person. That doesn’t sound like a joyous way to live. There’s so much abundance in this world – all we need to do is recognise that fact and share the wealth.”

Connecting With Others

In order to have a healthy relationship with the people in our business we always make an effort to connect with them as people, listen to them and get to know them personally. We’ve taken an interest in them as much as their business relationship. Isn’t this a contrast to the saying “You don’t mix business with pleasure”!?

Overcoming Fear

There is one more major realisation that I wanted to share that has helped me and others focus on purpose. This principle has allowed us to invest more time and energy into positive activities that make a difference. It’s simple, “Stop worrying about what other people think.” After reading Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, I took away two reminders of this powerful concept for myself that I also share with others;

  • “To be successful, you need to learn to overcome your fear of being rejected and to stop worrying about what other people say and think about you.”
  • “What you think of me is none of my business. What is most important is what I think about myself.”

In conclusion, I truly believe that purpose can only be found when we are open and engaged in life. And true purpose needs to be felt within us, align with all of our beliefs and values. It needs to ignite our soul fire. It feels so right that nothing else matters and nothing will stop you from pursuing your dreams. I hope I have provided you with some insight to purpose and I wish for you to find yours too.

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Bryon Twilley

Bryon Twilley is a Yogi, personal trainer and wellness advocate.

Byron believes that getting back to nature and what it has to offer is the key to health and happiness. Alongside his wife, Renee, they run their own doTerra essential oils business on the Central Coast of NSW. 

They both share a love of cooking, organic gardening, being out in nature, spending time at the beach with their dogs and their newest addition to a growing family.

They are both very dedicated to making a happy and healthy life for themselves and the world around them. Byron and Renee practice a healthy balanced lifestyle through a best effort wholefoods vegetarian natural diet, exercise, a positive low stress outlook and the daily use of essential oils. Contact with Bryon on Instagram and Facebook.

Disclaimer: This Content has been developed from our generous global community and is intended for informational purposes only. This Content is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon. Further, the personal views and experiences published are expressly those of the author, and do not represent the views or endorsement of SoulAdvisor through the act of publication on our site.

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