Mei Lai Swan
Mei Lai is a certified trauma-informed and Embodied Flow™ senior yoga facilitator. Mei Lai shares her passion for yoga, community, social justice and social change and knows that anything is possible when we come together with a common passion, purpose and heart. For the past seven years, she has specialised in body-focused therapy. She works with people from all walks of life in private sessions, yoga programs and in community settings. Mei Lai’s clients often come to see her after trying... Mei Lai is a certified trauma-informed and Embodied Flow™ senior yoga facilitator. Mei Lai shares her passion for yoga, community, social justice and social change and knows that anything is possible when we come together with a common passion, purpose and heart. For the past seven years, she has specialised in body-focused therapy. She works with people from all walks of life in private sessions, yoga programs and in community settings. Mei Lai’s clients often come to see her after trying talk-based therapies and wanting to work with the wisdom of the body to heal trauma and cultivate wellbeing. She uses her training, knowledge and capacity for deep listening to guide people through their own unique process of healing. She loves supporting people to access their own inner wisdom, strengths and resilience. Mei Lai has a Master of Social Work from Flinders University and has also trained in somatic movement and trauma therapy, counselling, yoga nidra and Trauma Centre Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY-F). Prior to specialising in body-focused therapy, she worked in community development and social work, running community development programs in remote Indigenous communities and with asylum seekers and refugees in Melbourne, Australia. Mei Lai fell in love with the path of self-enquiry and personal evolution in her teens and has been an avid ongoing learner of eastern philosophies, meditation and yoga throughout her life. She is a constant student and is currently undertaking the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training with plans for further professional studies in Gestalt psychotherapy. She is the director and lead teacher of Yoga for Humankind, a yoga school and social enterprise specialising in training in contemporary hatha, trauma-informed and community based yoga. Mei Lai is also a doula and board director of Birth for Humankind, a not-for-profit organisation that she founded that provides free birth support to women experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, she is now based on the road and facilitates private sessions online. Read more
Education and Training
Certificate in Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Certificate in Embodied Flow Yoga Certificate in Embodied Flow Movement Therapy Master of Social Work from Flinders University
Working hours (GMT+11:00) Sydney
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