Dee Harvey
Dee is a naturopath and personal trainer who works to support and educate women with endometriosis, adenomyosis, period pain and weight loss. Creating a safe space for her clients to speak freely about their experiences, Dee provides advice on nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes as she holds their hand through their healing journey. A personal trainer since 2005 and naturopath since 2013, Dee’s personal experience with endometriosis began when she was in her late 20s. After numerous... Dee is a naturopath and personal trainer who works to support and educate women with endometriosis, adenomyosis, period pain and weight loss. Creating a safe space for her clients to speak freely about their experiences, Dee provides advice on nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes as she holds their hand through their healing journey. A personal trainer since 2005 and naturopath since 2013, Dee’s personal experience with endometriosis began when she was in her late 20s. After numerous hospital and doctor’s visits, excision surgery, changing her own diet, following a supplement regime that addressed gut and stress management and living a low toxic life, her own endometriosis is well managed and she is pain free. Dee believes endometriosis is poorly understood by both the community and many health professionals. Most believe that endometriosis presents with painful or heavy periods however this is not always the case. It can take an average seven to 12 years to diagnose the condition. The best management of endometriosis is by taking a multidisciplinary approach – seeing an advanced trained laparoscopic excision specialist then taking into account a range of factors like nutrition, lifestyle, gut health and exercise. Dee loves helping and educating her clients on their path to healing. For someone who lives with chronic pain for example, to see them empowered to cook all their own nutritious meals from scratch is a big achievement. She wants her clients to know they don’t have to feel alone and can live a thriving and pain-free life despite having endometriosis. As a personal trainer, Dee works closely with the goals of each client and modifies their programs accordingly, especially if they are in chronic pain. Read more
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Education and Training
- 2012 – Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy – Nature Care College
- 2007 – Certificate IV in Fitness – Fitnation
- 2001 – Bachelor of Social Science (Recreation & Human Movement) – Charles Sturt University
Working hours (GMT+11:00) Sydney
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