Graham Carruthers
Graham is a Traditional Chinese Medicine therapist who has been practising acupuncture since 1975. In describing his acupuncture technique, Graham quotes one acupuncture master, Daniel Deng who says: “The art of this is to put one’s mind at the tip of the needle”. When you do this, Graham explains, it becomes intuitive and you are visualising the internal environment at that location. Graham spends time to fully listen and understand his clients to find out what is going on for them -... Graham is a Traditional Chinese Medicine therapist who has been practising acupuncture since 1975. In describing his acupuncture technique, Graham quotes one acupuncture master, Daniel Deng who says: “The art of this is to put one’s mind at the tip of the needle”. When you do this, Graham explains, it becomes intuitive and you are visualising the internal environment at that location. Graham spends time to fully listen and understand his clients to find out what is going on for them - which gives him a broader picture and then treats them accordingly. He also reappraises his clients on each subsequent visit. His treatments often include Swedish or Tui Na massage and dietary advice, depending on a client’s needs. Issues he treats include seasonal problems such as cold and flu, digestive and energy issues, female hormonal cycle issues including endocrine imbalances, muscular skeletal issues as well as obesity and related issues, including diabetes. Many psycho/emotional issues are also effectively treated with acupuncture, particularly in conjunction with other modalities. Graham considers the five elements; wood, fire, earth, metal and water and their constituent qualities – organ, environment, season, hour, taste, touch, sound, visual and emotions - and contextualises these qualities against the energetic patterns presenting to get a differential diagnosis. He provides dietary advice from the Yang Ming diet, which is based on Taoist principals - whether the blood is too hot, cold or neutral. He recommends foods based on whether they are heating (acid), cooling (alkaline) or neutralising. He also uses patented formulas of TGA listed Chinese herbs with hundreds of years of efficacy behind them. Graham also supports his clients with advice on and regular practical sessions of Tao Yin (Taoist yoga) including Tai Chi Chuan and Alchemic yoga and meditation. Graham was privileged to learn acupuncture from some extraordinary masters, including Shaolin master, Serge Martiche-Osterman; Tai Chi and acupuncture master, Tennyson Yui and at Acupuncture Colleges Australia (Paddington, NSW) under Russell Jewel. His in-depth studies have also included the health sciences, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, clinical diagnosis, microbiology, and pathology. Further to these disciplines, Graham spent a number of years studying and practicing the principles of postural dynamics as understood in western holistic modalities. These included Swedish, remedial and deep tissue massage and European osteopathy, under the profound and expert guidance of Dan Albert, who was trained personally by Sir Bruce Fernley-Wood, renowned osteopath to Queen Elizabeth II. Graham encourages his clients to show full commitment to resolving their health issues. Ultimately, he wants his clients to be in control of their own health, using the tools and knowledge gained through working with him and others to be able to manage their health to prevent illness. He believes getting results is very much about the relationship between the practitioner and the patient. He loves making a difference in his clients’ lives and feels he is constantly learning from them. Read more
Membership of professional associations
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA)
Education and training
Diploma of Acupuncture (Acupuncture Colleges of Australia, 1975)
Working hours (GMT+10:00) Sydney
Graham Carruthers’s studio location
Newport, New South Wales, Australia
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