The Magic Of Moving House

Jeannine Verriest | 21 Sep 2019
The Magic Of Moving House

The 6 Gifts of Moving House

1. Counting your blessings

When we move, we get a really good chance to see everything we have. Packing each item, one at a time, is a great opportunity to remember how lucky we are and how much abundance we have in our lives. It is a good opportunity to look back on past memories and to celebrate all our treasures. There may be old photos, gorgeous wine glasses that you only take out for special occasions or all the clothes you realise you have as you pack them. Count your blessings and acknowledge your abundance.

2. Recycling and reusing

As we pack, we also tend to reevaluate what we need and what we no longer use. I would recommend making a pile that you can donate to your local charity. In this way, we can use our move as an opportunity to share, to gift others and to better define what we want in your lives. By allowing our move to flow out and benefit others, we are contributing to the flow of energy in our community, nourishing others and cleansing ourselves as we make our transition.

3. Connecting with loved ones

Moving house is a wonderful time to connect with family and friends. Practice receiving by graciously accepting offers of assistance. Harness the opportunity to spend time with family and friends as you pack (or unpack) together, listen to music and chat. You may even like to listen to talks or podcasts and use the time to enrich yourself as you fill your boxes. Moving house also means you have a wonderful reason to have everyone over to your new place, to reconnect and to share the excitement!

4. Recognition of other people

From the removalists to the real estate agent, to the bankers, to the customer service operators who assist you to change your address, it is amazing how many different people you get to connect with along your journey.

I will never forget watching our 2 removalists lift a huge TV unit and carry it up our steep driveway. Wow! What a gift. What is a physical impossibility for me, allowed someone else to use their giftedness and conquer a challenge.

5. Marking a new beginning

Moving house is a great way to demarcate a new beginning in your life.  In more ways than one, it is leaving behind the old and recreating something new. It gifts you with the opportunity to choose where and how you would like to live and it allows you to form new connections within a different neighbourhood.

6. Creating a new space

New configurations, different layouts, different sizes and new settings all create an opening to for change. With wonderful sites like Gumtree and EBay, it is now relatively easy and affordable (not to mention fun) to change your style depending on the décor of your new home. You can add bits and bobs to suit your taste and to reflect who you are in this moment.

So ultimately, we can see moving house as a means of creative expression, as we define our space by including what resonates with us.

Next time you move house, take a few moments to ground yourself and to contemplate the following:

  • Where would I absolutely love to be?
  • How would I like to feel in my new space?
  • What resources do I have at hand to create a wonderful space?
  • What do I love enough to take with me on the next stage of my journey?
  • What are the most important things to me about my living space? What are the things I'm not willing to compromise on?
  • How can I manage my time so that my move is a joyful experience?


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Jeannine Verriest

Jeannine Verriest is a consciousness facilitator offering a holistic and counselling service that seeks to bring greater balance to your body, mind and soul. Using a broad range of therapeutic techniques it empowers clients to reach their full potential, find meaning in their life and dissolve negative experiences, emotions or situations that are preventing them from reaching their goals.

Jeannine also works with businesses by addressing the energetic framework of the entity rather than just the people or systems in it. She does this through connecting the owner to their business as a separate entity, and investigating and exploring areas for improvement as well as providing insights and consultation to achieve sound solutions. 

Jeannine has a degree in Social Science, as well as Diplomas in Counselling and Forensic Healing. She has co-authored a book and had her remote healing sessions featured in Good Health Magazine. Contact with Jeannine on Facebook or Instagram.

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