Touch for Health Kinesiology with Tess Morabito
In person
What is Touch for Health?
“To empower ourselves and others to be responsible for developing self-awareness, health and well-being through TFH.”
Touch for Health® Kinesiology (TFHK ) is a system of balancing posture, attitude and life energy for greater comfort, vitality and enjoyment of your life.
Touch for Health falls under the branch of alternative and complementary therapy known as kinesiology – systems of healing that use manual muscle bio-feedback to determine which stimuli stress the body and how that stress can be decreased.
The Touch for Health model does not treat or diagnose symptoms, but works with the energy, lifestyle and aspirations of the client, offering a safe and effective way to maintain health, enhance well-being and upgrade performance.
Touch for Health is the most widely used system of kinesiology in the world.
It is recognised and respected as a fundamental training for other kinesiology systems as well as a healing modality in it’s own right.
Touch for Health Kinesiology can assist with;
Developing personal awareness and clarify your personal goals & motivation.
Clear mental / emotional / physical and energetic blocks.
Increase energy & vitality and counteract fatigue.
Relieve pain & release tension – headaches, backaches, stomach aches,arm, shoulder, leg & knee pain.
Release mental & emotional stress
Enhance health & wellness and help prevent disease and injury.
Accelerate recovery from illness & injuries
Improve performance at work, school and at home; in sports and in relationships.
Identify foods which enhance your energy and ones that don’t!
Balance your energy flow to enhance your personal bests, achieve more consistent and frequent peak performance, reach your life goals, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
165 AUD
Cranebrook, New South Wales, Australia
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