Professional Kinesiology Balance with Claire Elaine
In person
Beginning with goal setting, then applying muscle testing, Claire works with you to achieve your intentions, clearing the way forward. Using kinesiology's unique method of "reading" and "talking" with the body and mind and muscle response testing, the most appropriate options for you at the time are found, helping you realise your goals.
Your body can be asked about many levels of need - structural, electrical, emotional, energetic, personal ecology, spiritual and much more. The choice of corrections for a kinesiologist are from a very broad database and you will choose what method is right for you at the time.
Often, a 14 muscle balance is required to bring all the meridians into harmony with each other. Sometimes it is important to assess a person's nutritional, absorption and detox needs. Changes can come from insight, awareness or consciousness change.
Finding the right corrections will help you to emerge feeling lighter, clearer and healthier and happier.
Pricing options
1 hr
180 AUD
Witta, Queensland, Australia
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