1:1 Personalised Dru Yoga Coaching (8 Session Package) with Dani Caputo
In person
Change comes from the inside out. Peace comes from the inside out. Love comes from the inside out. Yoga is no different.
Dru yoga is an inclusive and dynamic practice for people of all abilities, fitness levels and ages. Through working with Dani one-on-one, she will be able to tailor your program specifically to your individual needs.
In your first session with Dani, she will explore where you are currently at, identify your key goals and create a customised program for you encompassing all levels of the body, mind and spirit.
From there, the remaining seven sessions can be held weekly or twice weekly around your availability and preferences.
Each session will take one hour and can be held in person or online via Zoom. Dani will also support you throughout your tailored program via unlimited email access.
Dani looks forward to helping you bring together movement, breath and intention to become a Dru yoga super ninja!
Pricing options
8 hr
1000 AUD
Cheltenham, South Australia, Australia

Dani Caputo Inspiring Change from the Inside Out
Cheltenham, South Australia, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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