1:1 Virtual Business Mentoring For Practitioners with Sze Wing Vetault
In person
As a coach, author and podcast host, I would be honoured to share how to enhance your presence online and stand out from the crowd.
Combining nearly a decade of my business consultancy and coaching experiences, in this one-on-one mentoring session, I will learn more about your business and share my ideas on new opportunities for you to connect with your clients, bring flexibility into your business model and build another revenue stream.
I will also share creative and practical ways on how you can:
* Identify your unique products and offerings and turn your ideas into action
* Create content to promote your offerings across writing, podcasts and videos
* Embrace the promotional opportunities available with SoulAdvisor through your profile, writing for Your Sanctuary and presenter opportunities
* Connect your strategic and analytical thinking with your intuitive knowing to create more meaningful success in your business.
If moving online seems too overwhelming and you’ve all but given up, I would love to pick up the conversation, question the assumptions, and work with you to gain clarity, courage and momentum for your business.
Pricing options
1 hr
299 AUD
Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia
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