Why Mindset Is Key To Your Fertility

SoulAdvisor | 4 Oct 2024
Why Mindset Is Key To Your Fertility

Although as teenagers our parents had us believe otherwise, pregnancy doesn’t always happen overnight. Fertility issues affect one in nine Australian couples and around the world, one in four couples in developed countries experience infertility.  

Research shows that mind-body interventions, like mindfulness-based exercises and yoga, can help reduce psychological distress and improve marital function and fertility outcomes in people with fertility issues.

In an article written for mindbodygreen, Naturopathic Endocrinologist and world-renowned specialist in holistic fertility, Aumatma Shah, N.D., explains that having a positive mindset towards fertility is a critical part of a couple’s conception journey. 

Dr Shah outlines a number of empowering mindsets to adopt as you begin your fertility journey. 

Understanding your cycle and hormones, including tracking your ovulation, is the initial step. Charting your daily basal body temperature is also key, as your temperature drops slightly before an ovary releases an egg. And testing your hormones with the help of a doctor will give you an indication of what is occurring in your body. 

While age is a contributing factor, Dr Shah reassures us that fertility success is not solely defined by it, as decline in fertility due to ageing is a gradual process.

If you encounter fertility problems, consider it as a sign from your body to learn - and then treat - what is causing the issue. If your hormones, gut and vaginal microbiomes are out of balance, or if you are stressed, then you may have challenges conceiving. Consulting with a naturopath can assist here. 

When it comes to planning for a baby, allowing yourself, your partner, and your body time is of the essence. Dr Shah advises there is only a 20%-at-best chance of conceiving in a completely healthy, fertile cycle. 

Expecting it to happen immediately is likely to create internal anxiety, so plan, breathe and enjoy the entire process!  

For more information on naturopathy or other therapies that can assist with fertility issues, visit our therapy pages. 



Infertility I healthdirect.gov.au  

Global prevalence of infertility, in fecundity and childlessness I WHO.Int

The effect of mind-body interventions on psychological and pregnancy outcomes in infertile women | National Library of Medicine

4 Empowering Mindsets Around Fertility, From A Holistic Fertility Doctor | mindbodygreen.com

Fertility factors affect the vaginal microbiome in women of reproductive age I US National Library of Medicine 

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