One-on-one session with Tatiana with Tatiana Sterchele Betta
English and Portuguese
In these sessions, Tatiana works with women who are feeling lost, disconnected, insecure, scared and not motivated in life to feel vital again.
At the beginning of the session, she will explore what is happening in your life so that she can determine the best approach of Angelic Reiki, family constellation, coaching or NLP techniques, or a combination of at least 2 of them.
Angelic Reiki is a gentle modality which connects you at a soul level with the angelic realms. Tatiana will place one hand on your higher heart chakra and the other hand just above the solar plexus. Whether for physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual needs, the angels will connect with you through your consciousness, bringing the healing that you need. You will remain fully clothed and walk away feeling safe, warm and relaxed.
Family constellations are a complementary counselling approach that help you uncover, understand and resolve relationship issues. By creating a ‘constellation’, suppressed emotions may be unearthed and analysed. They are used as an approach for enriching relationships and reframing family dynamics, rearranging the constellation until you feel harmony.
Beyond one-on-one sessions, Tatiana also offers a fully customised program called ESSENCE to help women reconnect with themselves. If this is of interest, Tatiana can discuss options with you after your initial one-on-one session/s.
Tatiana will help you to love and accept yourself again - so you can be who you were born to be!
Pricing options
1 hr
150 AUD

Therapist and Mentor
Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia
English and Portuguese
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