Time Line Therapy® with Kylie King
In person
Time Line Therapy® is a powerful therapeutic process developed by Tad James, PhD in the 1980s. It promotes the concept that we store our memories in a linear manner and that certain emotions attached to memories from the past manifests in the present and affect our future.
As a Time Line Therapy® practitioner, Kylie focuses on eliminating unwanted outburst of emotions or sudden negative reactions which were born out of our past experiences and have been embedded in the psyche. She will help you eradicate limiting beliefs evident in your verbal expressions by accessing memories attached to them and disconnecting from them.
This will allow you to create a new, affirming belief system that will motivate you to move forward to the quality of life you desire.
Sessions are held in the comfort of your own home or the convenience of your office online via Zoom.
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
185 AUD
Faulconbridge, New South Wales, Australia
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