Holistic Energy Healing with Debra Fidler
In person
Most people have some challenges or issues to deal with in their life. Perhaps you’re feeling stuck, finding it hard to get started on that new project, low energy, confusing sign posts in life, depressed, unable to let go of the past, struggling with difficult relationships at home or work, low self-esteem or just generally a bit flat?
Holistic Energy Healing can help you shift the energy of the situation
It works on your etheric body (your aura, chakras and meridians) that surround your physical body, as well as your emotional and mental (thoughts and beliefs) body.
This is for you if :
You want to feel better
You are looking for a way to relieve stress
You are looking to add some relaxation to your regular routine
You need to have energy blockages removed
Pricing options
1 hr
100 AUD
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Debra Fidler
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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