Emotional Freedom Series: CODEPENDENCY with Mara Brami
English and Italian
Online | Remote Group Healing at the highest levels of VortexHealing® Divine Magic Healing
Codependency is complex and multifaceted. It is often mistaken for love; and is what sits at the root of addiction. Neglect, abuse, upbringing are some significant factors in the development of codependency and can have a profound impact on an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being, shaping their patterns of behavior and interactions with others.
Some core elements of codependency are:
External Focusing - When one’s focus is on other people, their needs and feelings, and external activities (such as work, drugs, exercise or alcohol) rather than your their own feelings and needs. By focusing outwardly, you avoid dealing with uncomfortable emotions and inner conflicts.
Self-sacrifice - Looking after the needs of others at the cost of your own. This is when self-worth is based on the approval and validation of others, often leading to neglect your own needs.
Control - Self-control (e.g., controlling your emotions) and controlling other people allows a feeling of safety. This is when people tend to believe others are incapable of taking care of themselves and that they must, therefore, take responsibility for them. Another example is striving for perfection in an attempt to gain approval or control situations.
Emotional Constraint - This happens when people suppress their own needs and feelings to avoid upsetting others. Behaviours such as people-pleasing tendencies and find it difficult to say “no.”
During this event we will tackle codependency as conditioned consciousness manifesting as an issue, and we will work on it at every level of your energy system & consciousness; psyche, as well as, working on the karmic core aspect of the issue. Your entire energy system will be optimised and harmonised and the session will end with blessings channeled directly from Divinity.
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
20 GBP

Greater London, England, United Kingdom
English and Italian
Insurance verified
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