Naturopath, Life Coach, Pharmacist with Julie Smethurst
In person
Naturopath, life coach, mother, pharmacist, wife, body boarder, adventure seeker, comedian, camper, gardener….I’m Julie Smethurst and I’m really passionate about guiding people on their path to better health and wellbeing.
Whilst I have a pharmacy background, I’m not interested in just administering you a pill! I love to offer clients comprehensive solutions that empower them to look after their own health on many levels – body, mind and spirit. My vision is to provide a holistic solution to your health problems, not a quick fix from a bottle.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-mainstream medicine. There's definitely a place for it. I just prefer to help people holistically via natural means if possible; helping before the presenting symptoms turn into major problems that you can only now manage is key. Diagnosing people and helping them in their stages of ‘unwell’ can reduce the impact on their long-term health, not to mention our Medicare system!
I focus on wellness, doctors focus on disease.
Pricing options
1 hr 15 min
199 AUD
Corowa, New South Wales, Australia
Feeling Great Health & wellness Solutions
Corowa, New South Wales, Australia
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