Breathwork with Askam Wise
In person
In the first session, which usually takes three hours, Askam will take some personal history then clarify your intentions.
The activation phase involves conscious connected breathing, which usually results in an altered state of consciousness. The integration phase is led by the needs of the client and can take them on a journey into three different worlds – the upper world, where they may experience past lives and a sense of beauty or bliss; the middle world, involving everyday reality, birth memory or past trauma; and the underworld, accessing the deep unconscious and its archetypal expressions.
Askam nurtures, protects and guides his clients through the entire process, with every session ending in a debrief.
Subsequent breathwork sessions follow the same stages and are usually 1.5 - 2.5 hours. Between five and 10 sessions are recommended over the space of 6 months to a year.
Pricing options
2 hr
150 AUD
Ballina, New South Wales, Australia
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