Sound Bath with Marc Kundalini Cottee
English and French
In person
During a sound bath, participants typically lie on the ground while a practitioner plays a variety of sounds with various musical instruments in order to create a relaxing, meditative experience for participants. Benefits of a sound bath include relaxation, stress and anxiety reduction, and improved mood and wellbeing, a feeling of rejuvenation and improved sleep. Marc specialises in the use of didgeridoo, medicine drum, shakers and voice in his sound baths. He may add spoken guidance and supportive affirmations during the session, similar to a guided meditation, and may also instruct participants in breath work. Other optional elements include ‘smudging’ (clearing energies using fragrant smoke) and essential oils. You don't need experience in meditation to try it, anyone can benefit from the calming effects. Studies have shown that a sound bath as brief as 15 minutes can lower levels of the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol.
"Properly facilitating a sound bath requires a deep understanding and real-time connected sense of where each client is ‘at’ as well as awareness of the effects of various sounds upon the client/s. It also demands an intimate working knowledge of psychoacoustics, meditation, mindfulness, and musicianship, while holding space for all present.”
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Frenchs Forest, New South Wales, Australia

Primal Wellness Solutions - Nature Therapy
Frenchs Forest, New South Wales, Australia
English and French
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