Is Money Dating Really A Thing?

SoulAdvisor | 12 Feb 2021
Is Money Dating Really A Thing?

However, getting to a comfortable place with our finances requires that we tackle money talk head on, suggests financial specialist, Kathy Entwistle.  

Writing for goop, Kathy puts forward the concept of a ‘money date.’ This involves carving out time with your partner to discuss all things money. In this interview-style article, Kathy answers questions about how best to approach a money date, what topics should be discussed (and avoided), and what you should aim to get out of the conversation. 

While no two people will have the same conversation, some discussion points to consider include: What are your financial priorities? What are your financial goals? What is your emotional connection to money?

Instead of having this conversation unplanned, Kathy suggests scheduling it in advance to give you time to prepare and not feel overwhelmed. Find a place that is neutral, comfortable, and free of distractions. 

By improving your communication around finances with your partner, you can establish joint financial goals and plan a way to achieve financial success together. It is the simple conversations that make it easier to regain control, and not unravel over the stress of an uncertain financial future.



Kathleen Entwistle | Linkedin

What is a money date? | goop

Ways to heal your relationship with money | SoulAdvisor

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