How do I update my Therapy qualifications?
Selecting your therapy qualifications will be based on the documents you've uploaded to your Education and Training section.
Once your documents are uploaded to Education and Training you can then select the relevant therapy qualifications that align with those documents. Your selections will then be reviewed by our team. Upon approval, your chosen therapy qualifications will be displayed on your profile.
Follow these steps to update your therapy qualifications:
1. Navigate to your dashboard.

2. Go to “Profile” and choose “Qualification info”

3. Scroll down to Education and Training, then click “Add”

4. Fill in all the required information and upload your certification document, then click “Save”

5. Below Education and Training, click “Add” in the Therapy Qualifications section.

6. Select your "Therapy" from the list and associated "Education and Training" then click "Save". Your submission will be reviewed by our team.

7. Once approved, your new therapy qualification will appear on your profile.